Something I've noticed over the past few years is the confusion of video game ratings in regards to reviews.  Across many forums and message boards I've noticed that if a game gets less than an 8.0 it's regarded as a bad game and a definite pass if it's a 7.5 or lower.  That's not how a 1 - 10 scale works.  At all.  So that's why I've been using a simplified rating scale for my youtube reviews.

Doo doo game


Mondo Cool!

Or basically don't like it, you may or may not like it and wow I love it!  This scale is in response to the confusion brought on by 1 -10 scales or one of of five items ratings or whatever.  How often do you really try to slap a number on a vague concept based on something as intangible as likes and dislikes.  Some times you just like something and can't really quantify it.  Is that game really an 85%?  Or is it an 83%?  Who the hell knows?!

If you're going to use a 1 - 10 scale why bother with decimal points?  You might as well just use a 1 - 100 scale.  I recently heard a podcast that was using a 1 out of 3 scale.  They used decimal points so why not just make it 1 out of 30?

I think the simplicity of Like, no strong feelings either way and love it is much easier to relate to.  Would you rate your favorite foods out of 100%?  Probably not!
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