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Something I've noticed over the past few years is the confusion of video game ratings in regards to reviews.  Across many forums and message boards I've noticed that if a game gets less than an 8.0 it's regarded as a bad game and a definite pass if it's a 7.5 or lower.  That's not how a 1 - 10 scale works.  At all.  So that's why I've been using a simplified rating scale for my youtube reviews.

Doo doo game


Mondo Cool!

Or basically don't like it, you may or may not like it and wow I love it!  This scale is in response to the confusion brought on by 1 -10 scales or one of of five items ratings or whatever.  How often do you really try to slap a number on a vague concept based on something as intangible as likes and dislikes.  Some times you just like something and can't really quantify it.  Is that game really an 85%?  Or is it an 83%?  Who the hell knows?!

If you're going to use a 1 - 10 scale why bother with decimal points?  You might as well just use a 1 - 100 scale.  I recently heard a podcast that was using a 1 out of 3 scale.  They used decimal points so why not just make it 1 out of 30?

I think the simplicity of Like, no strong feelings either way and love it is much easier to relate to.  Would you rate your favorite foods out of 100%?  Probably not!
Gaming is an interesting hobby.  There are many facets of gaming that draw people in.  Enjoying the games themselves, competing with friends, playing online or with friends in person or simply collecting games that you love or trying to complete a collection.

Like most gamers I don't fall into just one category.  I get a lot of enjoyment looking for games at garage sales, thrift shops, game shops and anywhere else a deal might be found.  I wouldn't call myself a collector as I think of collectors as the people that have unopened games that just fill shelves and look amazing but fail to fulfil their true purpose.  I do still get something out of looking at my collection neatly organized across an array of shelving solutions.

So I'm going to post some pictures of my gaming collection and my shelving solutions.  While its not the prettiest or most glamourous set up in the world it gets the job done.  I am however very pleased with my wire organization and the fact that all of my systems are ready to be played at any moment.  Many people have to plug things in then unplug them when they're finished, yuck!  I need the comfort of knowing that at any minute I'm ready to play my Turbografx, Jaguar, Saturn or ps3 and Xbox 360.  I don't know if I could spend two minutes plugging in a 3DO when I want to get in a quick game of Wing Commander III.
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